Advantages and disadvantages to circumcision by laser

The CO2 laser is gaining popularity in adult circumcision. The CO2 laser is safer than other methods because of its antimicrobial properties. However, this technology does have its drawbacks. This article explains the basics of CO2 laser surgery and compares it to the more traditional slit-sleeve procedure. Learn more about the pros and cons of CO2 type circumcision.

The CO2 laser can be used to perform Circumcision. It is commonly used in cosmetic surgery. The Circumcision cuts the skin …

The Jewish Circumcision Ceremony

A child’s circumcision clinic Sydney ceremony involves many elements. The first step is to encourage the child’s openness about the procedure. This is followed by a prayer for the baby’s well-being. The next step involves the actual cutting the boy’s foreskin. Once the boy has been trained, the parents will have him sit on their laps while a relative, friend or kirve prays.

The ritual begins with the preparation of the baby for circumcision. The mohel will often recite a …